
Picasso et ses chiens,

client: Éditions Norma, Paris
book: Picasso et ses chiens (fr) / Picasso and his dogs (en)
author: Jean-Louis Andral
director: Martin Bethenod

This new collection offers a look at the life and work of great artists and art lovers of the 20th and 21st centuries from the perspective of the relationship with the “dogs in their lives”. Erudite and light works, entrusted to the best specialists, mixing testimonies and stories, quotes, archive photographs and reproductions of works, which invite a singular approach, between sensitivity and humor, of the life and work of Pablo Picasso, Joan Mitchell, Andy Warhol, Francis Picabia, Pierre Bonnard, David Hockney, William Wegman, or even Gertrude Stein, Peggy Guggenheim, Yves Saint Laurent…
you can buy it here

For this same client, you find a book on an important orientalist painter, Jacques Majorelle, here.